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Erasmus+ EFP Consortium

Erasmus+ Consortium Education and Vocational Training Bourgogne Franche-Comté “Move to live with your time” Resume : Since 2017, we have a partnership agreement between 11 agricultural public education in Burgundy Franche Comté. In this context, we are beneficiaries of grants…

International strategy

Fontaines School’s international strategy Fontaines Agricultural College ( EPLEFPA) is looking for any school , training institution, in the agriculture field or rural evelopment , to establish partnerships. In order to professionalize our students and our school staff, specifically in…

Mobility organization

On-site help provided to coming foreign applicants School email : French language training (French as a foreign language), in Fontaines, at the beginning of the stay, for English, Spanish and German applicants.Language training given through partnerships with the French National…

School features

School features The government funded Agriculture College of Fontaines (EPLEFPA – Etablissement Public Local d’Enseignement Professonnel Agricole) located in South-Burgundy, France,